Knightscope deploys autonomous security robots at California casino

Victoria Rees
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Knightscope, a developer of autonomous security robots and blue light emergency communication systems, has announced two new contracts with a northern California casino.
The venue signed one agreement for a K1 Tower and separately signed a pre-order for two of the company’s K1 Hemisphere Autonomous Security Robots (ASRs).
Casino security
Knightscope says that the K1 Tower is a stationary indoor/outdoor ASR optimsed for use at smaller properties where mobility is not necessarily required or at points of ingress and egress.
It operates 24/7 and has the same features as Knightscope’s mobile ASRs with the added option of facial recognition which, in the case of casinos, may be used to identify VIPs, advantage players and known trespassers.
The company highlights that the K1 Hemisphere is compact and is also easily mounted to a variety of objects like poles, fences, buildings, walls, etc., making it an incredibly versatile addition to any security program.