exacqVision v19.06 offers automatic video transfer saving time for administrators

James Thorpe
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Johnson Controls introduces exacqVision VMS v19.06, with updates that include automatic transfer of video after a server failover, a new access control integration, support for ONVIF network loss recording, improved motion zone configuration and enhanced network security for mobile app users.
The latest version of exacqVision offers Enterprise Manager customers a more robust failover solution. In a failover scenario, transferring recordings from a spare NVR to the primary is critical, ensuring video can be searched and managed from a single storage location. exacqVision v19.06 automates the transfer of recordings back to the primary server in the event of a server failover, saving time for administrators by transferring video, audio and other data to the primary server automatically once it is reconnected.
Additionally, v19.06 presents a much-anticipated integration with the Tyco Software House C•CURE 9000 access control and event management system. By leveraging bi-directional communication between exacqVision and the C•CURE server, users can now control door actions, search video using event metadata and trigger other actions, all from the exacqVision Client.
Support for the network loss recording feature is now available with selected and tested ONVIF Profile G-conformant cameras. After a network connection has been re-established, video recorded to a camera’s SD card is automatically pulled into the exacqVision server.
Configuration of up to three motion zones, each with its own motion mask and sensitivity settings offers select Illustra camera users an enhanced motion configuration experience. In previous software versions only one motion zone for Illustra cameras could be defined.
Exacq Mobile users now have a new option for accessing video on the NVR without complicated incoming firewall rules or exposing the network to incoming connection attempts from unknown sources. A new Exacq cloud-hosted relay service is available to connect mobile app users to video without any inbound connectivity to the NVR, ensuring sites can stay cybersecure without giving up easy access to video.
For more information on this latest release, visit www.exacq.com.