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User benefits of Dahua’s Pro-active video surveillance and Full-colour technology


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There are really two kinds of video surveillance available to users today. Passive (or traditional) video surveillance is where cameras record the scenes in front of them, providing little opportunity for user response or deterrence in real time – unless live images are being constantly monitored by human operators. Passive video surveillance is therefore mainly used for post-event analysis of images.

Pro-active video surveillance, on the other hand, takes an active approach to preventing or responding to security incidents. Using a combination of AI, smart motion detection and active deterrence measures, pro-active surveillance enables users to more readily respond to situations in real-time, assisting their monitoring capabilities and resources by only activating when there is a potential incident. Proactive surveillance is necessary for the efficient running of a lean, cost-effective surveillance operation, which does not have to rely on multiple human operators constantly monitoring hours of uneventful images.

TiOC (three-in-one camera) is a solution you should consider when choosing a pro-active video surveillance. It is equipped with three main features: Smart Dual Illuminators, Active Deterrence and AI. It can effectively warn off intruders with active deterrence and notify users in time with real-time alarm, making it suitable for areas and properties that require 24/7 security such as villas, shops, warehouses, etc.

The Smart Dual Illuminators of TiOC offers three illumination modes. The IR mode turns on the infrared light, while the Warm Light mode activates the warm light. The Smart Illumination Mode is the default mode that switches the lighting between IR and warm light depending on the situation. When a target is detected, the IR light will switch to warm light.

When the target enters the rule area, the alarm will be triggered (Active Deterrence), which will activate the siren and red and blue warning light. When the target leaves the monitored area, the supplementary warm light will turn off and the IR illuminator will turn back on. These different illumination modes can flexibly accommodate the actual needs of users and can significantly help reduce light pollution in the monitored scene.

For better image performance, TiOC utilises Dahua Full-colour technology that captures full colour footages of the monitored scene even in dark environment or at night. It provides clear details of the target, which can significantly help backtracking in case of an event. In addition, thanks to its smart exposure technology, the camera can realise time-sharing control of the captured image and prevent the interference of flashing red and blue light in the image when a target is detected in the rule area. This ensures clear colour images that can be used for further investigation if necessary.

In terms of AI, the Scheduled AI function of TiOC allows users to schedule their monitoring modes on different time periods. It is ideal for a wide-range of application scenarios that require automatic and flexible alarms such as homes, retail stores, beach properties and more.

To see TiOC in action, check out this video

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