New cyber partnership formed with the Kuwait Institute of Banking Studies

New cyber partnership formed with the Kuwait Institute of Banking Studies

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A global cybersecurity training provider has partnered with the Kuwait Institute of Banking Studies.

SANS Institute has collaborated with the training arm of the Central Bank of Kuwait to help deliver the Cyber Security Leaders Program.

According to the company, the program has been designed to ‘create a new front line of cybersecurity professionals in Kuwait’s banking and financial sector’.

“Our alliance with KIBS represents a seminal moment”

The program has been developed in accordance with requirements specified by the Central Bank of Kuwait as well as its partners.

Featuring technical training and myriad activities designed to cultivate soft skills for effective cybersecurity leadership, the program also includes practical professional training and concludes with an innovative hands-on workshop.

Ned Baltagi, Managing Director, Middle East, Africa and Turkey, SANS Institute commented: “Our alliance with KIBS represents a seminal moment in fortifying the cyber resilience of Kuwait’s financial sector.

“Through this comprehensive program, we’re empowering participants with state-of-the-art technical skills, strategic knowledge and hands-on experience that is crucial for pre-empting and mitigating sophisticated cyber-threats.

“This initiative isn’t just about raising the bar – it’s about setting a new standard of excellence for cybersecurity readiness in the region.”

The program will run for three months and registration is now open.

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