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Exclusive interview with His Excellency Khalifa Ibrahim Al Saleis, CEO, SIRA


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International Security Journal speaks exclusively with His Excellency Khalifa Ibrahim Al Saleis, CEO, SIRA.

What makes Dubai’s security regulations different from those in other cities and countries?

The main pivot of the difference is not in the laws, but in the applied strategy; while some countries or cities tend to regulate the licensing and training of security cadres in the belief that the defect exists in such security cadres through laws specific to that, other cities choose to regulate the installation and use of the security systems – due to defects in them – through other laws of different institutions, which results in the application of different laws, goals and strategies.

In the Emirate of Dubai, the goals were clear and the strategy was one to include all the work of the security industry under one umbrella managed by a single institution that combines the organisation of all private security sectors, and the coordination of efforts at all levels, to achieve a comprehensive vision in order to support public security and stability.

What is the purpose of SIRA’s initiative to create an International Security Forum to embody all security regulatory agencies worldwide under one umbrella?

In ancient times, all specialised professions in the world were open and available to amateurs or practitioners, such as the profession of physicians, engineers and others. With the emergence of their own federations, associations and organisations, and the beginning of setting standards and foundations for these professions, and excluding non-specialists therefrom, they were upgraded to professionalism and specialisation.  

We in the Security Industry Regulatory Agency – given that the security guard profession in many countries around the world is still considered a job for those who have no other – seek to raise the profession of the security guard to a level of professionalism with high specifications and standards.

You have raised the slogan that “security is everyone’s responsibility” in society – how successful was the public-private partnership in this field, taking Dubai as a model?

The responsibility of the private security sector is the responsibility of everyone. This sector is considered a burden on all private and public sectors and society and the experience of partnership between the private and public security sector in Dubai has had great achievements that exceeded expectations in all major events and activities; the best evidence of this is the cooperation and coordination in efforts and work during the COVID-19 pandemic crisis in the Emirate of Dubai, where the private security sector was the strongest and largest supporter of the security authorities in the Emirate by providing the necessary support to society in order to overcome this global ordeal in peace and with minimal losses.

How can SIRA help to improve security standards around the world?

The Security Industry Regulatory Agency seeks to create regional and global federations and organisations specialised in supporting and promoting security professions and exchanging experiences and knowledge by setting unified standards and specifications in this field and providing knowledge support to workers in the field of security. The Foundation is also always keen to keep pace with and anticipate developments in security methods through technological techniques and to enhance cooperation with internal and external partners, in addition to exchanging expertise and experiences with different countries around the world.

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This article was originally published in the July edition of International Security Journal. To read your FREE digital copy, click here.

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