Workwize reveals fully automated IT asset management suite
James Humphreys
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Workwize has launched its new Automation Suite, which according to the company is the first IT operating system (OS) to offer fully automated global onboarding, equipment retrieval and redistribution.
Workwize’s IT Asset Management solution already enables IT leaders to save hundreds of hours of IT management time per year.
Tracking and management
It enables tracking and management of all equipment workflows between employees, offices and Workwize Warehouse locations, providing global enterprises with a full view over all distributed IT equipment.
The new Automation Suite takes this even further, reducing over 27 hours of IT management time typically spent on procuring, deploying, managing, retrieving and decommissioning IT equipment, to just 10 minutes per employee, the company says.
This enables IT leaders to apply their highly specialised skillset to more strategic growth initiatives within the business.
“We are incredibly proud to help global enterprises automate their IT lifecycle management, reducing the management burden down to practically zero,” said Michiel Meyer, CEO, Workwize.
“This is a major achievement and a huge part of our vision to equip IT leaders with the technological superpowers they need to empower a truly global workforce today.”
A Workwize survey of over 150 global enterprises recently found that 48% of IT leaders list ‘operational efficiency and automation’ as their current top priority, ahead of digital transformation and agility, security and data protection, UX and support.
A focus on growth for Workwize
“The drudgery of manual IT asset management is blocking investment that businesses should be focusing on for growth,” added Sebastiaan Scholten, Chief Technology and Product Officer at Workwize.
“We want to enable IT leaders to focus on innovation that propels them ahead of the competition.
“Our new Automation Suite is a direct response to customer demand, freeing up vast internal resources and enabling borderless talent acquisition that brings in the new skills and fresh thinking required to accelerate growth.
“And this is only the start; we have an exciting roadmap of tools and strategies to further simplify IT hardware management worldwide.”