Vemotion launches enhanced real-time live video & audio streaming apps

James Thorpe
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Vemotion Interactive, the UK supplier of low-latency, high-performance, plug & play live video streaming solutions for systems integrators and OEM solutions providers, has released a suite of enhanced live video & audio streaming apps.
Designed to deliver incredibly low latency, high-resolution video imaging across GPRS, 3G, 4GLTE, 5G, Wi-Fi and Satellite networks, the new streaming apps provide highly secure and stable Vemotion optimised video transmission for a wide variety of applications.
Fast and easy to set-up and use, the Vs (encoder), Vv (viewer & control) and Vx (combined Vs & Vv in one) Plug & Play apps, incorporate streaming capabilities that enable private, secure and encrypted live video to be viewed from any single or multiple remote locations, via mobile phone or integrated to a 3rd party control room VMS. Video sources such as mobile phones, or static/PTZ surveillance, body-worn or endoscope cameras can all be enabled to offer live streaming video to support a variety of overt or covert monitoring requirements.
For evidential purposes, the live video is time/date stamped and can be synced (to a server). Furthermore, switchable and adaptable profiles can be controlled manually or automatically, to maximise the available bandwidth and video quality. This gives users flexible control to choose resolution, frame rates and bit rate, to profile the best video stream for any given situation.
Efficient video streaming from Vemotion
“The new apps enable highly efficient streaming video for mobile view and control,” says Steve Haworth, CEO at Vemotion. “Easy to add to existing infrastructure, the apps are available directly from Vemotion or Google Play, enabling partners to demo, sell and add value remotely/online.
“Ideal for Police, Local Authorities, Emergency services and Military applications, the Vemotion Android app and latest mobile devices are enabling much greater surveillance performance. Mobile cameras, graphics performance, on chip acceleration of H.265 and high-resolution screens, all contribute to the capture and consumption of high-performance video, whilst the ability to easily control PTZ and auxiliary functions and search and retrieve recorded footage remotely from mobile devices provides the driver for a host of powerful surveillance solutions. This can give multiple distributed users the benefit of quality video information that can lead to faster and better-informed decision making/outcomes.”
For further information about Vemotion’s enhanced live video & audio streaming apps and range of high performance wireless video encoders, servers, viewers and Polecam, contact Tel: +44 (0) 330 397 2796, email: [email protected] or visit