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SIA appoints Renee Thompson as Chair of ESG Advisory Board

ESG Advisory Board

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The Security Industry Association (SIA) has named Renee Thompson as Chair of its Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Advisory Board.

Thompson – who is currently Director of Global Sustainability and Environmental Compliance, Wesco International – is the first person to take on this role.

“Sharing my experience with the industry”

Thompson has led the global Sustainability and Environmental Compliance team at Wesco since 2020.

According to the SIA, she has played a pivotal role in helping to evolve the company’s approach to compliance, sustainable practices and corporate citizenship.

“It is my honour to lead Wesco’s sustainability team as we continue to progress our global sustainability and environmental compliance strategy and goals,” commented Thompson.

“I’m looking forward to sharing my experience with the industry and with my colleagues on the SIA ESG Advisory Board.”

SIA’s ESG Advisory Board

SIA’s ESG Advisory Board was created to encourage greater information sharing among SIA members, partners and customers regarding established ESG practices.

The SIA has also said that group’s potential activities include ‘issuing guidance on key provisions of proven and globally recognised socially responsible practices’.

It is also said to offer ‘thought leadership to security practitioners about managing ESG threats related to enterprise security, recognition of members that achieve defined ESG goals established by the advisory board, educational sessions at industry events and a SIA-promoted industry community service day’.

“Education and advance dialogue”

“SIA is honoured to have Renee Thompson – an accomplished industry leader on sustainability, corporate responsibility and environmental compliance – as the first Chair of SIA’s Environmental, Social and Governance Advisory Board,” commented Don Erickson, CEO, SIA.

“We look forward to working closely with Renee and the advisory board to provide education and advance dialogue about these critical marketplace issues and promoting the enhancement of ESG strategies to meet customer expectations, global ESG standards, investor interests and government requirements.”

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