Understanding security’s new “normal”

James Thorpe
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Across the United States of America and around the globe, the new “norm” is here…whatever that means? Truth is, there is no new “norm”! Changes to what was once “normal” will continue to evolve and demand “on the fly” adaptation to quickly address security challenges we don’t even know about?
The security landscape has changed and with it, major security threats facing people, businesses and culture. In 2022, expect to see a lot of changes in the law enforcement industry from what was traditional response to crime, but even more so, you will see a powerful deployment of the security industry rise with technology leading the charge. It will be unprecedented! Let’s get into it.
You will continue to see cybersecurity leading the security path, yet again. I predicted this in 2021 and it holds true today! The trend for digital defence solutions for companies and countries will continue and as a bonus, if you own a cyber company, well…good news, you will be able to report your 2022 EBITDA to the Board of Directors with a smile on your face.
Key security trends in 2022
Supply chain: Digital and physical threats are growing. Billions of dollars in goods are sitting in containers off the ports. Supply chain ransomware risks grow every day!
Misinformation using Deep Fake technology: Consumers will increasingly be unable to discern what is real and what is fake in the on the internet.
Criminal activity: More and more, you are going to see USA communities and residents take on more responsibility for their own security as crime increases. This includes residents purchasing more security solutions.
COVID-19 security concerns: You are going to see an unprecedented “skyrocketing” increase in societal frustration like never seen before over masks, “jabs” and loss of jobs resulting. Right or wrong, it will result, and is doing so now, in ever increasing security demands.
Security labour shortage: I’m hearing disturbing stories of how 200 humans applied for one armed Security Officer post, only ten qualified for an interview, two showed up to be interviewed and with one not passing, the other could not qualify with a weapon!
Mobile security: Your cell phone will continue to be a threat, ripe for intrusion, leaking or takeover. Remember, it’s not really a phone, it’s a computer. Nobody is really paying attention to this threat!
The last 12 months in security, did it evolve?
Many security companies of all types have shown extreme profits on their General Ledgers, growth was palatable.
Security conferences in 2021 were attended with a strong need for human interaction in the industry. Though the quantities did not show, which was predicted, the quality did! Conferences in the future still won’t have the big numbers we enjoyed in the past, that said, I’m predicting a new model regionally/locally trending in the days ahead for future security conferences based on convenience, cost, attendee-comfort-size and geography.

By Charles “Chuck” Andrews, Founder/Chairman of the Board, Friends of Chuck (FOC)
You can connect with Chuck on LinkedIn here