SALTO Systems introduces innovative new padlock solution

James Thorpe
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The new Neoxx G3 electronic padlock has recently been unveiled by SALTO Systems.
Featuring keyless and fully mobile access options that the company says delivers durability and reliability, the padlock is an advanced and versatile locking system suitable for a wide range of applications.
“A wide range of access control applications”
“We’re thrilled to announce the launch of the SALTO Neoxx G3 electronic padlock which is the most advanced and versatile locking system on the market,” said Marc Handels, CTIO, SALTO Systems.
“The SALTO Neoxx G3 is perfect for a wide range of access control applications and is particularly well-suited for those outdoor deployments that need the reporting and advanced technology that electronic access delivers as well as a product with a tough exterior that can withstand extreme weather variations.”
Featuring a special armoured case with a double-layered structure, the Neoxx G3 electronic padlock provides protection against falls, shocks and even the harshest environments or usage.
The Neoxx G3 also integrates RFID, Bluetooth LE and NFC technologies to provide a keyless experience and the most advanced electronic locking system available, the company says.
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