RISCO increases privacy and data security with ISO 27001 certification


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RISCO Group, a manufacturer of cloud-based security systems, has received the ISO 27001 certification for cloud and interactive services related to security, building management and smart home solutions. The certification recognises RISCO’s extensive efforts and substantial investments to protect and increase privacy and data security from cyber-attacks.

RISCO customers will gain additional reassurance that their systems, cameras and data are secured from hacking attempts, building upon RISCO’s commitment to exceed the highest standards and procedures, along with the continued development of cloud-based products and services designed to enhance user experience and confidence.

ISO 27001 (ISO/IEC 27001:2013) is the international standard designed to help organisations manage information security processes according to international best practice. The standard provides a formal, top management-driven process that delivers controls that help to manage information security risks.

ISO 27001 supports compliance with other regulations, including GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) and NIS Regulations (Network and Information Systems Regulations).

View and download the RISCO certificate https://bit.ly/3qsZjCt

To find out more about ISO 27001 – www.iso.org/isoiec-27001-information-security.html

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