Reliance High-Tech names SSAFA as chosen charity
James Thorpe
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Reliance High-Tech, the independent security technology integrator and provider of lone worker protection services, has named SSAFA, the Armed Forces charity, as its 2019-20 corporate charity. Throughout the year Reliance High-Tech’s employees will engage in a range of activities to raise funds and help with the vital work that SSAFA carries out for serving personnel, veterans and military families across the UK and worldwide.
SSAFA has been providing lifelong support to the Forces and their families since 1885. Last year its teams of volunteers and employees helped more than 82,000 people in need, from Second World War veterans to young men and women who have served in more recent conflicts.
“We take the selection of our corporate charity very seriously and were unanimous in the view that the incredible work that SSAFA does to support those who have served their nation, and been prepared to make the ultimate sacrifice, was a perfect fit with our corporate social responsibility (CSR) objectives,” said David Walton, Director of Finance at Reliance High-Tech. “Furthermore, many of our current employees are ex-armed services personnel and we believe that supporting SSAFA on a national level enhances our excellent levels of employee engagement.”
Reliance High-Tech’s employees are already ‘raring to go’, Kelvin King, Regional Service Manager, said, “This is brilliant, I’m happy to try and collect funding as much as I can.” This sentiment was echoed by Project Manager, Lee Jones, who commented, “Being ex-Welsh Guards myself, I would be more than happy to get involved with anything in my regional area.”
Although raising funds is vitally important for SSAFA, so too is providing the time, energy and resources needed to help it carry out its fundraising activities. As such, Reliance High-Tech has amended its CSR policy to give each member of staff one day’s paid leave to actively volunteer their time to help with SSAFA’s charitable projects. The company has appointed eight regional coordinators, who will ensure that help is available where and when it is needed and has committed to match any money raised from employee activities.
Reliance High-Tech will also play an active role in Armed Forces Week, which takes place 24-30 June, helping out with Big Brew Ups around the country. Big Brew Ups are a perfect way to get together with friends and family, colleagues or neighbours, have chat over tea and cake and donate to SSAFA.
Jonny King, Corporate Fundraising Officer at SSAFA, concluded, “I’m delighted that Reliance High-Tech has selected us as its chosen charity for 2019-20 and will help us raise funds to support service personnel and their families in their times of need. From speaking to David, it’s clear that there is a genuine synergy between our organisations and I’m looking forward to working with him and the rest of the Reliance High-Tech team in the months ahead.”
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