Perpetuity Research launches 2022 SRI survey
James Thorpe
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Historically security managers have been marginalised from key decision-making roles in organisations but there is evidence this may be changing as security professionals are increasingly able to demonstrate that security is a business enabler. Perpetuity Research is seeking the views of security professionals, in order to better understand the obstacles faced by security managers/directors.
You can share your views, anonymously, via its survey. It is open to any type of security professional/expert. The questions ask about factors that influence the security budget, factors that influence how effective security is, whether there are similarities between ‘in-house’ and ‘contracted’ security managers and about factors that are important when purchasing security. The survey takes approximately 10-15 minutes to complete and the deadline for responses is Friday 11 March 2022.
To begin the survey please click here –
All participants are given the opportunity to automatically receive a free copy of the findings once the report is published (Autumn 2022).
The research is being undertaken under the umbrella of the Security Research Initiative –