New online counter terrorism course launched by PerpetuityARC Training

James Thorpe
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PerpetuityARC Training, part of Linx International Group, has launched a brand new online bitesize training course: Managing the Terrorist Threat.
This course has been created to support those new to the industry working in public space or event management and need to be trained on signs of potential terror threats they may have to deal with on the job or those who may know very little about identifying and reporting potential terrorist threats.
Managing the terrorist threat is an interactive course completed via an online learning platform.
Learners will be guided through scenario-based training which closely follows a crisis management approach, examining and scrutinising a number of critical areas.
In the scenario, learners will adopt the role of an on-duty security officer (Charlie) and two attendees (Sue and Finn) at a concert which dominates a rolling exercise: “Determined Response”.
The scenario is broken into sections and the user is presented with pointed questions at each point. This aids analysis of the chosen approach to the threat and gives some thought to possible outcomes caused by user selected choices.
PerpetuityARC Training Course Tutor, Richard Pendry MLitt, FdA, MSyI, is a specialist in the field of crisis management and counter terrorism, consulting businesses worldwide in the areas of risk, crisis, business continuity and counter terrorism. He stated: “Terrorism is a phenomenon that has been part of our risk registers for many years and as such we have all watched it evolve.
“It is widely recognised that the large scale attacks that took place at the beginning of the century in the UK and US are now less likely to occur.
“Current attack methodologies favouring individuals or small groups who have weaponised everyday items. However, even smaller scale terrorist events can cause major disruption, prove deadly and scar societies.”
Pendry continued: “The PerpetuityARC Training Managing Counter-Terrorism course is a course that is specifically designed for those security professionals who need an introduction to counter terrorism and identifying potential threats.
“The scenario-based course not only tests your knowledge but also the way you would react during a terror attack allowing you to draft or alter your security plans accordingly. Remember, we might not be able to stop a terror attack, but we can manage our response to it.”
Upon completion of the course, learners will receive a PerpetuityARC Training Certificate and formal CPE points. For more information about the new training program, please visit PerpetuityARC Training’s website.