Elite Interactive reveals crime prevention milestone set throughout 2024


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Elite Interactive Solutions has announced that it has set a new milestone in 2024 following the use of its remote guarding services.

Preventing crime with Elite’s services

Elite says that remote guarding services are having an extraordinary impact on preventing crimes, achieving more than double the voice-down command center interventions since 2021 and teaming with law enforcement on 39% more arrests and detainments compared to 2022.

By the time 2024 wound down, Elite’s 24/7/365 Security Operations Command Center (SOCC) had directly prevented more than 78,000 incidents and actively assisted with police in 1,900 other real-time crime situations that concluded with suspects being detained or arrested 57% of the time.

Those incident and police engagement totals are record highs, as are the 19.4 million events cleared along with the 1,074 arrests and detainments Elite registered acting as a live eyewitness partner to police responding to active crimes in progress.

The company notes that despite the increases in clients, cameras and alerts, it has maintained its promise of zero false alarms to law enforcement.

“We are able to eliminate false alerts and unnecessary noise”

Noel Delgado, Director, Elite Security commented: “Response time is crucial in crime prevention. Our team helped prevent more than 78,000 crimes this past year by conducting voice-downs and siren blast on trespassers.

“With the combination of tech and operator experience, we are able to eliminate false alerts and unnecessary noise, thus helping free up law enforcement to assist on other emergent crime.

“When our team does engage with police, they are able to provide real-time information, including description, location, type of crime, because we have eliminated false alerts.

“The team does a great job dispatching officers due to our training program with a 35-year dispatcher veteran who conducts training with our staff. All these factors help our team succeed.”

Command center agents and LEAB

Equipped with either law enforcement or military experience, Elite’s command center agents represent one of the four key areas the company has focused on to optimize effectiveness in preventing crime.

Along with personnel, the other three elements are:

  • Expert practices
  • Edge technology
  • Partnering with law enforcement

Regarding the latter, Elite maintains an internal Law Enforcement Advisory Board (LEAB) comprised of former law enforcement executives that acts as a liaison to agencies across the country.

The LEAB reviews SOCC activities daily to ensure EIS continues to help first responders do their jobs more effectively and safely.

“What most had believed impossible is achievable”

Aria Kozak, Founder and CEO, Elite Security commented: “We are continuing to build on our nearly 20 years of experience and innovation as the unequivocal leader in real-time crime prevention via optimized remote video guarding.

“The 2024 metrics show that what most had believed impossible is achievable today through the right combination of expertise, technologies, best practices, trained personnel and police relationships,” Kozak concluded.

Effect of the remote guarding solution

Elite’s diverse, nationwide customer base encompasses more than a dozen commercial and industrial vertical markets.

According to the final 2024 data, the applications in which the remote guarding solution has had the greatest effect, in terms of arrest/detainments percentage, is in retail and shopping centers (76%) and car
dealerships (60%).

General commercial deployments such as office, parking structures and warehouses came in third at 59%.

“The best is yet to come”

Kozak added: “I could not be prouder of these accomplishments as they embody Elite’s promises to eliminate the noise and false alarms, never miss an event and stop the crime.

“So-called competitors promote similar solutions but scratch under the surface and the truth is they are incapable of upholding Elite’s promises and therefore, results.

“For us, the best is yet to come as we continue to push the innovation envelope and further raise the bar in crime prevention,” Kozak concluded.

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