ASIS announces 2021 Global Board of Directors

James Thorpe
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ASIS International, the world’s largest association for security management professionals, has announced the full slate of directors for its 2021 Global Board. The Global Board of Directors, first installed in 2020, is a major step in the association’s transition to a new global governance structure that allows ASIS to better provide service to its members at the local, regional and global levels.
Global Board Director Timothy M. McCreight, CPP, of Canada, was selected by the board to serve as Secretary-Treasurer in 2021. McCreight joins President John A. Petruzzi Jr., CPP, of the United States; President-Elect Malcolm C. Smith, CPP, of Qatar; and ASIS Chief Executive Officer, Peter J. O’Neil on the 2021 Global Board Executive Committee.
The security leaders selected for three-year At Large Director terms beginning in 2021 include Pablo Colombres, CPP, of Brazil; Joe M. Olivarez, Jr., of the United States; Axel Petri of Germany; and Eddie Sorrells, CPP, PCI, PSP, of the United States. Colombres will be serving a second term as At Large Director. Chiko Scozzafava, of the United States, was selected to serve the remaining year of McCreight’s At Large term on the Global Board.
The new directors of the Global Board were selected in October 2020 by a Nominating Committee comprised of 2019 ASIS President Christina Duffey, CPP; McCreight and fellow Global Board member Jaime P. Owens, CPP; and member-elected representatives Melissa Mack, CPP, Gary L. Miller, CPP, PCI, PSP, and Werner Cooreman, CPP, PSP. The committee evaluated candidates according to core ASIS values and competencies—including management experience, knowledge of ASIS and the security profession, strategy development and visionary thinking, leadership skills and cultural intelligence. The global board approved the new director slate on 10 November.
Continuing as an At Large Director from the 2020 Global Board is Malcolm B. Reid, CPP, of the United States.
Serving as ex-officio representatives to the 2021 Global Board are leaders from various ASIS volunteer groups, namely:
- Scott A. Lowther, CPP, PCI, representing the CSO Center Board (voting member)
- Cy A. Oatridge, CPP, representing the ASIS Foundation Board of Trustees (voting member)
- Bernard D. Greenawalt, CPP, representing the Professional Standards Board (non-voting member)
- Kristiina Mellin, CPP, PCI, PSP, representing the Professional Certification Board (non-voting member)
ASIS regional boards
In 2022, ASIS will establish regional boards to support members in Europe and North America. And, after that, every region around the globe. When fully implemented, each regional board will assume a seat on the Global Board.
To learn more about the ASIS global governance initiative and 2021 Global Board of Directors, visit