Application period opens for the Security Innovation Award 2020

James Thorpe
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From now on exhibitors taking part in Security Essen 2020 can apply for the Security Innovation Award 2020. This important award honours outstanding achievements in the industry with a prize which can be used for effective public relations and advertising. The winners will be announced at this year’s Security Essen, which will be held at Messe Essen from 22 – 25 September.
As the leading fair of the security industry, Security Essen is the showcase for innovations every two years. The Security Innovation Award is the seal of approval for new developments at the highest level. For this purpose, a group of experts will come together in a competent jury to evaluate a product according to its innovative content and user benefit as well as its economic efficiency and reliability. At the same time, the evaluation process will also take account of the positive effect on people and society.
The jury and its members
The jury of the Security Innovation Award will consist of 23 members, who will evaluate the submissions in several rounds, both professionally and critically. They will include Florian Haacke, Head of Corporate Security at Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche; Michael Ridder, Security Manager Germany at Uniper Global Commodities SE; Dr. Harald Olschok, General Manager of the Federal Association of Guard and Security Companies (BDSW) and also Andreas Nenner, Director Corporate Security at Fresenius SE & Co. KgaA. The jury will be chaired by Jens Washausen, Deputy Chairman of the Federal Association of Independent German Security Consultants and Engineers (BdSI) and Managing Director at GEOS Germany GmbH, a management consultancy for crisis and security management.
Conditions of participation and deadline for applications
The Security Innovation Award will be presented for the seventh time this year. All exhibitors who take part in Security Essen 2020 may apply. The registered new development must be relevant for the security industry and the market launch may have taken place no earlier than 1 January 2019. Concepts whose market launch is still to come may also be submitted. One application per exhibitor will be possible from 1 March. The closing date for applications will be 15 June 2020 and participation in the competition will be free of charge. The public award ceremony will take place on 22 September 2020 during the trade fair.
Further information and participation documents can be found at: